The Association of Educational Services “OpenEurope” is a non-for -profit organisation with the main office in Reus (Catalonia, Spain) that aims to help young people and adults who work in youth related sectors participate in European programs.All projects and initiatives of our organisation aim to involve educators, teachers, professors, students and the whole community in carrying on projects and programs that seek a life-long learning process. Our programs are designed to develop the participants’ communication, leadership and occupational skills.
We pay special attention to increasing non-governmental organisations’ capacities as well as those of the volunteers working to solve social problems. We help to involve all the members of the community in our projects and activities, especially those related to civil responsibility, immigration, technology at service of people or smart cities.
OpenEurope is the first and only qualified multiplier point in the province of Tarragona of the European network EURODESK. It is an informational service about European programs and initiatives in the fields of education, training, occupation and youth. Being an official point allows us to have free access to the network information and share it with the youth and all the people who might be interested. We offer advice and counselling about international youth exchanges within many European countries; we look for contacts or possible partners to carry out European projects and we give practical and useful advice on travelling to the European countries which belong to our network, among many other things.
Raval Sant Pere 1-3 Entresol 43202 REUS (SPAIN)
+34 655 649 669