Implementation and adaption of
new strategies in specific youth contexts

In many countries, youth work strategies are an integral part of the national educational and social system, implemented by professional youth workers. In other countries, youth work is practiced without it being formally incorporated into these systems, mainly performed by youth organizations and paid workers/volunteers who have experience or are educated in a field close to work with or education of young people. In another set of countries, youth work is a combination of these two forms.

The purpose of this module is to underline the necessity for implementing and adapting new strategies for work with young people, and to provide youth workers with knowledge that can help them in adapting and implementing their strategies for youth work in their specific youth contexts.

Module objectives

  • to help youth workers better understand the process and steps of implementing a new strategy for youth work;
  • to prepare youth workers for possible challenges in the implementation or adaptation of a new strategy for youth work;
  • to introduce youth workers to the EU Youth Strategy, as a key youth strategy that sets priorities in youth work at European level;
  • to provide youth workers with an opportunity to learn from previous experiences in implementing and adapting a new strategy for youth work.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this module, participants/learners/youth workers are expected to:

  • be able to successfully implement and/or adapt a new strategy for youth work in their community;
  • be better prepared for potential challenges that might affect the implementation and/or adaptation of a new strategy for youth work in their community;
  • be better acquainted with the priorities of the EU Youth Strategy, which their specific youth work policies and goals can be based on.

1. Steps of implementing a
new strategy for youth work

Strategy implementation is the translation of a certain strategy into organized action in order to achieve strategic objectives. The success of youth workers and the strategies they develop largely depends on the youth workers’ capacity to implement their plans and decisions in an effective manner. To facilitate this crucial process, it is useful to divide and observe the implementation of the strategy in several steps.

Key Steps in Implementing a Strategy for Youth Work
1. Preparing an action plan and identifying potential obstacles
2. Defining roles and responsibilities and assigning tasks
3. Monitoring performance and progress
4. Adjusting and correcting action
5. Closing and reviewing implementation

2. Challenges in implementing
a new strategy for youth work

2. Challenges in implementing a new strategy for youth work

The implementation of a new strategy may often be hindered by a variety of challenges. Understanding the most common and biggest potential challenges to the process of implementing the strategy listed below will help you avoid or be better prepared for overcoming these obstacles.

3. Review of key youth strategies:
EU Youth Strategy

According to the United Nations, young people aged 10 to 24 account for one quarter of the world’s total population today, making it the largest generation of young people in history. It is the competences, ambitions and achievements of these 1.8 billion people that will shape the future. Considering the importance of the personal and professional development of young people for the development of societies, work with youth and for youth has become a priority at national, European and global level, resulting in the creation and implementation of different youth policies in different countries.

In the section below, you can find information about the main features and the essence of the the EU Youth Strategy, as one of the most relevant agendas aimed at youth development.

4. Case study

In 2015, following a decision of the Council of the Municipality of Bitola, the Local Youth Council of the Municipality of Bitola was formed, together with its Youth Strategy for the period 2014-2019.

The goals of the Youth Strategy of the Local Youth Council of the Municipality of Bitola were as follows:

– Fostering active cooperation with and engaging young people in local policies;

-Establishing an institutionalized dialogue between the Municipality and the local youth through;

– Fostering youth activism and participation of young people in society;

– Increasing the availability of non-formal education in secondary schools;

– Supporting the employment of young people.

Module 3


1 / 10

What is the first key step in implementing a youth strategy?

2 / 10

Engaging into a plan and goals that are not realistic can lead to disappointment, lack of energy and motivation for work of your team.

3 / 10

Planned action cannot be changed during the process of implementation of the youth strategy.

4 / 10

What is an example of a qualitative indicator when assessing the achievements of the strategy?

5 / 10

What are the three key forms of action that the EU Youth Strategy is centered around?

6 / 10

Mental health and wellbeing is not among the 11 Youth Goals of the EU Youth Strategy.

7 / 10

What challenges one might face when implementing a youth strategy?

8 / 10

At what stage should one define roles and responsibilities and assign tasks?

9 / 10

With “engage”, the EU Youth Strategy aims at achieving a meaningful civic, economic, social, cultural and political participation of young people.

10 / 10

Developing a strategy that is weak can be prevented by setting objectives and milestones that are hard to achieve.

Your score is

The average score is 50%


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